Jerry and Cindy’s Excellent Best Friends Adventure

Blogging about a vacation to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary

BJ goes to the park December 9, 2008

Filed under: Best Friends,Dogs,jacebfa,vacation — jerryandcindy @ 3:57 pm
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On our last afternoon at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, we quickly worked to get our chores done at Old Friends (that’s the sweeping, mopping, tidying up, feeding, and watering) so we’d have time to socialize with the dogs.

We got done in RECORD time!

We asked Joyce who we might be able to take for some extra socialization and she thought that BJ could benefit from some personal attention.

BJ is this lovely tan/yellow dog who looks as if he might be some type of German Shepherd mix. His home is the one closest to the road and he is a great alerter for the staff about people coming around. He lives with Sambo (Sammy) – we have pics earlier in the week where we were walking BJ and Sammy. They are great friends.

When there’s time, the staff at Best Friends loves to see the dogs go on car rides and get to town – so they can smell new smells, see new people, and be exposed to “normal” life outside of the sanctuary.

We loaded BJ up in the big red H3 (had to lift him up into that vehicle – NEVER get a Hummer to take to Best Friends if you are going to take dogs on sleepovers or for socialization). Had to lift him up. He did really well with that.

BJ LOVED his ride in the Hummer. He was calm, looked out the window, stuck his nose out the window, and kissed on Jerry who sat with him in the back seat (see pics below).

We arrived at the Kanab City Park. Quiet place. Nice green grass. Lots of new smells for BJ. He really enjoyed himself … but at the same time he was very calm in his explorations. No pulling on his lead. Just a nice walk and very responsive to voice commands.

Have a look at his pics and video from Saturday afternoon. Such a loving young dog. We hope he gets his forever home someday soon!